No matter if you live in a flat or a house, you are exposed to many risks such are fire and other unforeseen circumstances as natural catastrophes which may cause damages or losses to your home and its contents or completely destroy it. Moreover, your home may cause damages to adjacent property.
Please read below about our insurance policies of economic, extended, extended plus and special coverages.
Relying on our broad experience in claims we have developed our insurance coverages having in mind that every household needs protection and tailored our insurance policies to their needs. This is the only way that your home may be protected at a low cost from unexpected expenses due to unforeseen circumstances.
Which insurance policy offers proper protection to a flat, a house or some larger property? What if it is a cottage or a rented home? What details do we need to insure you? What is the price you pay for a year insurance policy?
We are here to explain everything that interests you. Get a reasonable advise from our qualified agents and free of charge calculation on
More details and comparisons of different policies and scopes of coverages you may find in Terms and Conditions for insurance, or you may call us.
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