MAKEDONIJA Insurance – Vienna Insurance Group


Insurance MAKEDONIJA s.c. Skopje Vienna Insurance Group has created a foundation for safety and security of, trust in and stable financial support by the insurance industry in the Republic of North Macedonia. The first insurance company whose origins date back to 1945 as the State Insurance Institute with supreme experience and professional expertise in the local market and international support and influence for more than two decades, it is today the stable institution within a powerful insurance group in Austria.

The Joint Stock Company for Insurance and Reinsurance MAKEDONIJA Vienna Insurance Group is a leading insurer providing protection against risks for all classes of non-life business including legal entities and natural persons. Our Company provides a solid support to major and complex economic industrial entities as well as small and medium enterprises by delivering extensive range of products and services related to personal lines, property coverage, motor insurance, casualty and liability insurance, transport and other lines of businesses. The comprehensive diversity of products embraces different types of property insurance, personal accident, motor insurance, and travel insurance to individuals. The latest insurance business that we underwrite is the Voluntary Health Insurance Inpatient and Outpatient Cover including different types of surgery and critical illness insurance coverages.

We sell our insurance policies through widely developed sales force composed of branches, brokerage companies, insurance representative agencies and banks. Relying on their extensive experience, our sales agents are confident to explain and tailor the offer to the customer’s needs, offer premium calculation on the house and easily issue insurance policies online or hardcopy any time. Our products and services are accessible from the Company’s iconic building in Skopje and other 14 branches spread nationwide. The Company has enormous experience with the customers and reliable database, whereas the digitalised technology allows our clients select and obtain the possibilities of online premium payment and claim handling or a direct contact. The team of the Company embraces professional experts including underwriters and claims assessors and claim handlers and other highly experienced staff cherishing strong corporate culture referred to accountability, closeness to its customers and respect to diversity. Our weighty internet page and Facebook friendly content ensure transparent communication in terms of corporate citizenship activities and insurance culture.

The Company is very seriously devoted to ensuring liquidity, legally acceptable volume of technical reserve coverage and committed to fulfilling all due and future liabilities. The Company operates in line with any economic, insurance and actuarial rules and regulations and follows all statutory supervisory regulations and provisions which govern the insurance coverage.

Our policies on following the updated current trends in insurance industry and ensuring solid financial stability and permanent investment in professionally trained personnel, prove that the Insurance MAKEDONIJA – Vienna Insurance Group’s clients’ saying is true: I know when I am safe!